Thomas and Sons Plumbing


Licensed Plumbers in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

While performing plumbing services in someone’s place of residence (and being a ‘plumber’) doesn’t necessarily require a plumbing license, many plumbing companies themselves still need to be licensed. That being said, since plumbing is a highly technical service-based job, people should always look for trained and licensed plumbers before making a service call. Hiring a licensed plumber will ensure that the repairs are done properly and without complication. Obtaining a plumbing license differs from state to state, but most states require you to obtain a contractor’s license and a business license, and to be trained properly.

State of Ohio Plumbers License & Exam

To obtain a State of Ohio Plumbing License, one must:

*The state of Kentucky has similar requirements to obtain a license.

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Why Look for a Licensed Plumber?

If you’ve been following along with this page, you’ll now know why hiring a licensed plumber is important. When a licensed plumber visits a site for repairs, after inspecting the issue, he or she will most likely know what the problem is, how to fix it, perform all fixes in a timely manner, and will carry contractor liability insurance in case anything were to happen. If you don’t hire a licensed plumber, you’re in the dark. You can’t say for sure if the plumber you hired is insured, can perform the job properly, or if the plumber even has the right expertise to do the job in the first place.

We are Licensed Plumbers in Northern Kentucky and Cincinnati

Rest assured that here at Thomas and Sons, we are licensed, trained and insured to perform all of the plumbing services we perform in both Cincinnati and northern Kentucky. We perform emergency plumbing servicetoilet repairLeaky faucet repair, sewer correction, garbage disposal installation, hot water heater repair and so much more. (For a full list of our plumbing services, click here. ) If you’re in need of a plumber who can do it all, look no further and give us a call at (859) 428-0159.